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Cabeza Prieta Natural History Association



Shindig 2013 Photo Show Winners

Each year our Association partners with the Ajo Chamber of Commerce, The International Sonoran Desert Alliance and others to bring a celebration of the Sonoran Desert to Ajo Arizona. This year the Town's Plaza was filled with booths for the Governmental Land Managers, their Friend's groups and interested organizations that work to research, preserve and promote the local area.

One popular display is the presentation of photographs by local visual artists. The public views and judges the show and picks winners in several categories.

The results of Shindig 2013 photo exhibit are:

The show was seen by hundreds of Shindig participants, most of whom voted. The selections reflect the viewers' interests and appreciation for the Sonoran environment. These are only a few of the beautiful renditions capturing the sense of being in our desert home.

Index of Shindig Photo Shows

Copyright Creative Commons

HTML & Programing by
Thomas R. Powell


Natural History of the Sonoran Desert and Refuge




